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China and Russia highlight ‘tectonic shifts in global politics’

nal influence saying the global centres of power are changing and a multipolar world is on the horizon.

Russian President Vladimir Putin and his Chinese counterpart Xi Jinping were in Kazakhstan’s capital of Astana on Thursday for a gathering of leaders from the Shanghai Cooperation Organisation (SCO) – a regional bloc that Moscow and Beijing see as a counterweight to US “hegemony” on the world stage.

Xi called on the countries to “resist external interference” while Putin said “new centres” of political and economic might are on the rise.

ternal interference, firmly support each other, take care of each other’s concerns … and firmly control of the future and destiny of our countries and regional peace and development in our own hands,” Xi told the summit.

“It is of vital importance to the world that the SCO be on the right side of history and on the side of fairness and justice.”

In a joint declaration, published by the Kremlin, the group noted “tectonic shifts in global politics” and called for the bloc to play an enhanced role in global and regional security.

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