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Ja Morant makes NBA superstar club as Kevin Garnett and Paul Pierce admit the allegations of

When it comes to NBA stardom, there are levels to it.

When it comes to the hierarchy of NBA superstars, LeBron James is unequivocally at the top all by himself.

Right below are Steph Curry and Kevin Durant. Rarefied air that only those three can sniff, as they have transcended beyond the game of basketball.

Those three are bigger than the game itself.

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There’s NBA stardom and then there’s that.

Not everyone is James, Curry or Durant, which leaves room for the rest of the league’s stars.

But what exactly is the criteria to be seen as ‘an NBA superstar’.

Hall of Famers Kevin Garnett and Paul Pierce discussed their criteria and what they believe it takes to be in that exclusive club of stardom.

“You gotta have your own shoe, major influence, commercials and a brand that people can gravitate to,” said Pierce, on the latest edition of him and Garnett’s podcast

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