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Kaylie Green, Chase Elliott’s Girlfriend has called him out for alleged…

Kaylie Green is the girlfriend of 21-year-old NASCAR driver Chase Elliott.

Green, a college student from Charlotte, North Carolina, is from a NASCAR family, like her boyfriend, and has been around racing since she was a kid.

Kaylie’s father, David Green, was a NASCAR driver and is currently a NASCAR official. He retired from racing in 2008 and has also worked as a spotter.

David Green ran in 78 races over six years, from 1997 to 2004, at the top level of NASCAR. He also won nine times in what is now known as the Xfinity Sreies, in 404 races over 23 years. His last win was in 2005 at the Salute to the Troops 250 at Pikes Peak.

Having Kaylie is the biggest thing that has happened to me. I had always thought that racing was all there was. Now for the first time, there is something else that is more important in my life than racing,” he told in 1998. “I get to spend a lot of time with Kaylie during the week. “I’m also fortunate that she and Diane come to the majority of races. NASCAR, MRO (Motor Racing Outreach) and all of the tracks have done a tremendous job making this sport family friendly. A lot of drivers are now able to bring their children, wives and families. It wasn’t like that 10 years ago.”

Kaylie Green is a student at the University of South Carolina, according to her Linked in profile. She is a sophomore and is studying public relations.

“Currently a student at the University of South Carolina. Majoring in Public Relations. Journalism and marketing courses. Sport Management classes taken last year. Traveled to Europe to participate in lectures and activities regarding entertainment and sport management of successful companies,” she says on Linkedin.

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According to her Twitter page, she is a member of the Alpha Delta Pi sorority.

He has driven in the Pro Legend series for Ladyga Motorsports, and is also a 2017 North Carolina Pro Road Course Champion and a 2016 North Carolina Pro Asphalt Champion.

“He was always enthusiastic about racing and anxious to do it, but now that it’s become a little more natural to him, he wouldn’t miss a race for anything. At the same time though, he gets just as excited about soccer practice or going to the beach. It’s a very good mix because I wouldn’t want him to be all about racing 24/7,” David Green said in 2012. “I can’t say enough how proud I am of the way that he handles himself, and I was obviously hoping that the genes would work out where he would not only like racing but be good at it as well.”

Austin, then 11, said he had dreams of following in the footsteps of his father and uncles.

“I want racing to take me all the way to NASCAR,” he said

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