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Kyle Busch Criticises Unfair Treatment Against 9-Year-Old Son After Controversial

While Ross Chastain may have topped the charts for on-track fisticuffs, hiding in the shadows is Kyle Busch, who is none the merrier as a calm racer. Although he does try to maintain his composure, he has bared his fists on the racetrack. In the 2017 Spring race at Las Vegas, he was entangled in a bloody brawl with Joey Logano after the latter sent him spinning down the pit road. However, he has steered clear of controversy in recent years. But the ‘rowdy’ spirit may be running deep in the family.

His son Brexton Busch is already bringing in brownie points in youngster races. At 9 years old, he is proving that racing is truly blind to age. But Kyle Busch is unconvinced of his rivals’ fairness on the track, young as they may also be.

Brexton Busch recently took part in a Jr Sprint Car race, engaging in some bumpy adventure on the track. Kyle Busch did not go easy on his rivals, though. He verbally expressed his disfavor of the apparently unfair treatment meted out to his son, on Instagram. He captioned the post, “You make the call. Who is at fault?”

READ MORE:Kyle Busch Concerned About Skyrocketing Parity in NASCAR

A rival was seen pushing Brexton from the back, while he himself spun another off the track. His father’s caption, however, invited criticism from the NASCAR community. They pointed out that Busch may be overreacting.

One fan questioned the role model in Busch: “Do you really want to teach him to be looking for someone to blame racing on?” Another fan said there was no choice for Brexton: “Can’t do much when you’re getting pushed from behind 😂”

Others described the track trouble as just a normal day in racing. “Brex kinda got sent into the car in front of him, no one at fault though just hard racing.” Another fan said, “The guy behind him gave him a little bump and shot him forward into the guy in front of him. Racing incident, nothing was done on purpose.”

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