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Valentino Rossi Buys Mom a Ducati Monster 696

Buying presents for relatives and close friends is usually not that hard, as you pretty much know what’s on their wishlist. A mother, for instance, expects to receive flowers, chocolates, or some jewelry, but not when her son is a multiple MotoGP World Champion like Valentino Rossi.
Stefy, as everyone in the MotoGP paddock calls Rossi’s mother, always wished for a Ducati Monster 696. And who could be more fit to grant her wish than her own son, who’s racing for the Italian manufacturer.

“I’ve dreamed of it all my life and now finally I have it,” said Stefania Rossi. “I told him over the years that if you ever go to Ducati, then you’ve got to get me a Ducati Monster.”

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The model in question, like everyone expected, is the Rossi MotoGP Replica Monster 696 with Rossi’s yellow race #46 placed on the side of the gas tank. “I used to have a Yamaha scooter,” said Rossi’s mom “but riding a bike with gears is completely a different emotion. I’ve already gone from Tavullia to San Giovanni in Marignano, I’d like to try the Panoramica, but for a woman of my age… “

As for the recent rumors about The Doctor becoming a father, his mom took care to deny them. “We talked about this rumor at Mugello and wondered how these stories surface, since it’s not true,“ she was quoted as saying by “I told Valentino that I think that life isn’t always like a movie, and to get what you desire for you have to fight for it: he and Ducati are very attentive regarding the problems,” she added regarding Valentino’s problems with the Ducati.

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