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Valentino Rossi, more ‘Doctor’ than ever to announce that he will be a father for

Valentino Rossi will become a father for the second time in the coming months. This was announced by the nine-time MotoGP champion and his partner, model Francesca Novello, through their Instagram accounts.

They didn’t do it alone, as the real protagonist of the good news has been their firstborn, Giulietta (2), who, alongside her famous father dressed as a doctor and living up to his nickname of “The Doctor,” listens to the expectant mother’s burgeoning belly, also confirming the gender of the future baby.

Surely it’s a girl, doctor!”, says Rossi, as if his firstborn were a nurse. In the image, we see little Giulietta “listening” to her mother’s belly, who smiles, while her father looks at her sweetly. “Franci and I are expecting another girl,” adds the pilot, confirming that the new family member will be another little girl.

READ MORE:Rossi takes another aim at Marquez over bitter 2015 MotoGP feud

The congratulations from friends, colleagues, and followers of the couple were quick to arrive on the social network, with many applauding the originality of the family’s announcement.

In a few months, Giulietta will no longer be an only child. Up to now, the little one was “the princess of the house,” as confirmed by her mother in an interview a few months ago. However, this new pregnancy fulfills one of her wishes: for Giulietta to have a sister close in age, just like she does, so they can share everything.

“I grew up with my sister and had the opportunity to share everything with her. Sharing makes a difference in the growth process. This will be even more true for Giulietta, who is the little princess of the house”, confessed the model.

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